Leah Roper reads her short story “Count Backwards from Five” at Spillers № 7 on March 14, 2017. (Note: this episode is for mature audiences, only.)
Ep. 37–Aurelie Sheehan’s “Wolf in the Basement”
September 25, 2016
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Leah Roper reads her short story “Count Backwards from Five” at Spillers № 7 on March 14, 2017. (Note: this episode is for mature audiences, only.)
After his Spillers № 7 reading, Spillers’ own Robert Hoekman Jr talks about the stellar literary education he’s received in the last two years, why his non-fiction book The Build has him watching the television show Portlandia with an eagle eye, and how the obsession of landing on an expertly-crafted final line fuels his novel writing.
Robert Hoekman Jr. reads his short story “The Ginger Man” at Spillers № 7 on March 14, 2017.
Writer Urian Garcia joins us after his Spillers № 7 reading to talk about unmasking the themes in his writing, the importance of discovering Oscar Wao, and why Arizona is where he wants to continue to develop his burgeoning writing career. [Note: This episode is for mature audiences, only.]
Urian Garcia reads his short story “Hard Rime” at Spillers № 7 on March 14, 2017.
September 25, 2016
November 20, 2016
November 13, 2016
May 21, 2017
May 14, 2017
November 13, 2016
January 8, 2017
January 2, 2017